BC Running Membership Is Free
And Open To Anyone


BC Running FaceBook Membership (Free)

That's right!!  It's pretty easy to call yourself a BCer! Simply JOIN our BC Running group page on  
FaceBook at http://www.facebook.com/groups/BCrunning/ or LIKE us on our FaceBook TimeLine  
page at http://www.facebook.com/BCrunning .... or both.  That's it.  Do that and you can call yourself
a full-fledged BCer!  Quite frankly, you might not even have to do that.  Just show up and run  where-
ever BCers meet. Our goal is to build a fun, welcoming, support organization for all levels of runners
and walkers on the Treasure Coast and to create an environment that unifies the various groups who 
support endurance athletics everywhere. You don't need to be fast to participate, you need to be fun.

Official BC Running Membership (Also Free)

Want to feel more official?  OK... Add yourself to the official BC roster and Mailing List .



Copyright 2010 - 2013, Breakfast Club Running, Inc,